Summary of Top April 2023 Cyber Breaches: Attacks Targeting Education, Government, and Various Companies
May 4, 2023

The increasing frequency and severity of cybersecurity threats have put organizations of all sizes and industries at risk. Recent news shows numerous universities, school districts, government agencies, and companies have fallen victim to cyber-attacks, leading to disruptions and data breaches.


Bluefield University in Virginia, for example, was forced to postpone final exams due to a cyber attack. Meanwhile, a school district in New Hampshire was hit by a sophisticated attack but was able to resume normal operations quickly. Truman State University in Missouri experienced a potential cybersecurity issue that impacted the entire campus, and Montana State University was reportedly hit by a cyber attack.

Private Sector

In the private sector, Yum Brands, the parent company of fast food chains KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut, suffered from a data breach caused by a ransomware attack, leading to the closure of almost 300 locations in the UK. A U.S. health insurance company, a restaurant management system data center, and a shipyard in Wisconsin were also hit by ransomware attacks. A network breach was also responsible for a recent outage at cold storage giant Americold. The breach caused disruptions to the company’s operations, leading to delays in food deliveries to supermarkets and restaurants. This incident demonstrates how cyber attacks can have real-world impacts beyond just data breaches, affecting the supply chain and potentially endangering public health. Organizations in the food industry and other critical infrastructure sectors must be especially vigilant in protecting their networks and data. Finally, T-Mobile, a major U.S. mobile network operator, recently disclosed its second data breach since the start of 2023. The breach exposed the personal information of approximately 7.8 million current and former customers. The company has stated that no financial information or Social Security numbers were compromised, but names, dates of birth, and phone numbers were exposed.


Several US government institutions have been targeted by cyberattacks in recent reports. Spartanburg County in South Carolina was hit by a ransomware attack that caused computer system issues, while a county sheriff’s office in California is grappling with a cyberattack. In Massachusetts, the city government of Lowell also fell victim to a cyberattack on its network. Another county government had its water management email server breached. These incidents demonstrate the susceptibility of government institutions to various types of cyber threats and underscore the importance of implementing robust cybersecurity measures to prevent such attacks.

New Malware

In addition to data breaches, new malware continues to be a major threat to organizations. A new malware strain known as LOBSHOT has been discovered, which gives hackers hidden VNC (Virtual Network Computing) access to Windows devices. This means attackers can remotely control infected devices, steal data, and execute commands. The malware is being spread via phishing emails and malicious attachments, highlighting the need for organizations to educate employees on how to identify and prevent such attacks.

Global Attacks

In April, Cybersecurity threats affected 32 countries worldwide, with the United States being the most targeted country with 37 incidents, followed by Germany with 22 and France with 11. Other affected countries include Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and India. These attacks have targeted a diverse range of industries, with 54 industries being impacted in total. The public sector has been hit the hardest with 33 incidents, followed by the healthcare industry with 19 incidents and education with 13 incidents. Other industries that have been targeted include IT, finance, municipalities, hospitals, transportation, and telecommunications. With the increasing frequency and severity of cyber-attacks, it is crucial for organizations to implement effective cybersecurity measures to safeguard against potential threats.


These recent cyber-attacks highlight the urgent need for organizations to prioritize cybersecurity. With the rise of remote work and digitalization, cyber threats have become more prevalent and pose a significant risk to organizations. It’s not a matter of if but when a cyber attack will happen, making it crucial for organizations to take preventive measures.

Investing in comprehensive cybersecurity solutions like SECNAP Network Security can minimize the risk of cyber-attacks and protect an organization’s data and operations. SECNAP’s team of experts can help organizations identify vulnerabilities and implement proactive measures to prevent cyber threats from impacting their operations. With SECNAP, organizations can be confident that their cybersecurity is in capable hands.

As cyber threats become more frequent and severe, organizations must take proactive measures to protect their data and operations. SECNAP Network Security offers a range of cybersecurity services including SIEM and XDR (extended detection and response), network security, endpoint security, internal vulnerability assessments, external security assessmentscompliance, incident response, web application assessments, and dark web monitoring. With a team of U.S.-based experts, SECNAP can help organizations identify and mitigate cyber threats, ensuring the safety of their data and operations.

In addition to SECNAP’s services, there are several best practices that organizations should follow to minimize their risk of cyber attacks. Firstly, it’s crucial to keep software and systems up to date with the latest security patches. These patches often contain critical security fixes that can prevent cyber attacks. Secondly, organizations should implement strong password policies that require MFA, complex passwords, and regular password changes. Thirdly, it’s crucial to educate employees on cybersecurity best practices to prevent social engineering attacks such as phishing.

Cyber attacks continue to pose a significant threat to organizations of all sizes and industries. By investing in comprehensive cybersecurity solutions like SECNAP Network Security and implementing best practices, organizations can minimize the risk of cyber-attacks and protect their data and operations. It’s time for organizations to prioritize cybersecurity and take proactive measures to safeguard their future. One such solution is SECNAP Network Security, a comprehensive cybersecurity provider that offers a range of services. At SECNAP, we have one job — to help you achieve security and maintain it, with a minimum of expense and effort on your part. We accomplish this for our customers and partners through our proactive cybersecurity approach. We combine our proprietary technology (advanced detection and intelligence engines) with highly-trained analysts in our 24/7/365 U.S.-based security operations centers (SOCs). Our combination of machine intelligence with human analysis and action results in a sophisticated defense against hackers and cybercriminals. SECNAP’s team of experts can help organizations identify and mitigate cyber threats, keeping their data and operations safe.

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Don’t wait until it’s too late – protect your organization from cyber threats with SECNAP Network Security. We are a leading provider of comprehensive cybersecurity solutions that can help businesses of all sizes protect against cyber threats. SECNAP’s solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of each organization. Contact us today to learn more about our cybersecurity solutions and how we can help your organization meet cybersecurity insurance requirements and reduce premiums. Complete the contact form below or call 954-350-0712.

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